Triptych Photography Challenge

A couple weeks ago I was asked to speak at the Middle School Photography Club.

You all know that I still have a heart for teaching...I love it!  I don't love all the political and yucky stuff about it (and who likes ANY of the yucky stuff about any job?...but, I could do without paper grading, tests and parent conferences)

Anyway...I was thrilled to once again get the opportunity to teach to these kiddos, as I've done every year since my eldest started MS.

This time, I wanted to incorporate a project for that would force them to look at things from a different perspective.

I found some information regarding Triptych Photography.  For those that are unfamiliar with it, it's basically a group of 3 pictures!

The pictures are of the same subject, but can be different angles, depths or even just slight variances to the subject. The possibilities are endless.

I enjoy these types of projects every once in awhile...and I find that I am drawn to those types of frames in my own home....the ones with 3 openings for pictures...

Most of the time people use those frames for different children...

But, what if we had an entire frame for each child instead...and those 3 images told a story, described the "character" of that child instead?  Wouldn't that be such a conversation piece and something your children would love seeing?

Here are some links to some examples of Triptych photography...some are subtle and some are way out there...

Triptych Explanation
Triptych Inspiration

I'd LOVE to see YOUR tries at sure to post on our Snapshop Grads Facebook Page...if we get some fun shares, perhaps we could do a contest!!

The attractive part of this exercise is the "storytelling" elements...It's confined to just 3's not overwhelming like a scrapbooking page or an entire album to post on social media.  It's just looking at a moment, an event and choosing 3 things to focus & draw out...

Are you willing to try?

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