This could probably be catagorized into my "personal" labeled blog posts, but with the drama of last week, I thought perhaps this might be helpful to even just one person...

I know that when I heard it on the radio, it brought back lots of memories & images in my mind...and it was a good reminder...and reminders are always good for Teach It Tuesday!

A long while ago I read the book Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren  We read it as a small group when we were first married. At that time in my life though, I was a new wife, with the twinkle in my eye of having our first child...building a home, being a just confirmed my purpose...

Fast forward 16 years...we've been through multiple seasons of life...some physically draining, others emotionally extracting...super highs and exhausting lows...

I just wanted to recap on a message that I heard and then add a little something extra from my own thoughts...Pastor Warren has written a new book, SHAPE: Finding and Fulling your Purpose, and I heard it summed up on the radio this week and thought I'd share...

He uses SHAPE as an acrostic to explain how the make up of WHO you are contributes to how you are SHAPED for your PURPOSE!

S-spiritual gifts
H-heart or passion
A-abilities and talents
E-experiences (life, educational, etc)

I added the extra S for season of life

There are times, especially in the midst of the crazy that I question what exactly am I supposed to be doing?  It isn't that being wife to my husband or mother to my children isn't's not that...and believe me, I have enough laundry, dirty dishes and weeds to pull to last a couple lifetimes, so I'm not hurting for "THINGS" to do...

But, I know that I was created with purpose...
(I'm going backwards in my acrostic)

There were some seasons of life that my SOLE purpose was to dedicate myself to the care of my little ones and to my husband...

However, as seasons have changed, I've been prompted to recognize that the "need" for me is different than before and it therefore frees up other areas that "SHAPE" who I am to be highlighted in different ways...

My life experiences have allowed me to connect with people that I wouldn't otherwise have similarities with...
My personality (my craving for human interaction) puts me in positions to be able to encourage others and hopefully bring some "happy" to a moment in time...
It's not arrogant to understand that we all have different abilities...organization is NOT one of mine, nor are navigational skills or driving a tractor...but, I "see" things through a lens differently than others and I keep working to hone that talent daily
Our desires are in there for a reason too...I do not believe God gives us a heart for something without a purpose for it being there...whether it be to develop patience because we aren't meant to develop it,  OR because He wants us to chase it...

I have many Moms and Dads that have attended Snapshops and Mentoring...there is a "heart" for photography in them...and depending on your season of life, you may not have the time needed to develop & chase after it in the present...

I would encourage my friends though, to take a look at your SHAPE and make a step towards whatever you believe your purpose to be in this moment in time...

I NEVER imagined I'd have a small platform to "teach"...that I'd own my own business...that I'd be able to contribute to my family financially but do it on my own time table...that I could invest in the lives of so many people only to have them give back 10fold to my own heart with encouraging words and thoughtful actions...

Life is not perfect...(just take a look at my last week) It's encouraging to know that YOU are the ONLY YOU out there...and all the different components that make you WHO you are, are unique and created for a purpose!